Jack has had a rough time lately though none of it has really been his fault, poor thing. I should, explain that we have discovered that Jack has a particular tallent - he appears to be the world's clumsiest dog. He walks into things, runs into things, jumps into things; do you see the pattern?

In an attempt to help hime calm down and to prevent lots of little Jacks in the future we took him to be castrated at a local vet (not our regular vet unfortunately), one that does discounted vaccinations and neutering. The initial op went well and healed nicely, except that we noticed after a week or so that there was some swelling. We went back and were told that it could be any number of things and that the vet wanted to open it up, have a look and sort it out. £120 later we found out that it was a haematoma rather than an infection or reaction to sutures etc. So off home we all go, only to discover that Jack's stitches are still bleeding. The advice: keep him as calm as possible. Well Jack is generally as calm as a toddler on a tartrasine diet so that's not all that easy. We retuned to the vet to get them to have a look (he'd pulled a stitch) and we were told since it wasn't gushing blood the best thing was to just keep him quiet and leave it alone.

Since then he's pulled the remaining two stitches, removed and occasionally eaten an assortment of butterfly stitches, plasters, wound closures and antiseptic wipes. In some cases whist wearing a cone collar AND a box muzzle. HOW?! The dog is a lunatic! We have discovered that Bach Rescue Remedy calms him a little (and makes him sneeze) and we are almost back to a regular sleeping pattern now that the wound is finally healing up.

Finally Sabre was a little miffed that he didn't have a picture on the blog, so here he is (after four nights without sleep - you should see us!):